
You will find countless factors that can impact sexual performance in men several that in turn cause a reduction in sexual energy and sex drive, a decrease in lasting erections, as well as a decrease in sexual endurance.

Varying factors include depressive disorders, high blood pressure, obesity, drugs, particular medications, malnourishment, lack of sleep, along with a number of other diseases or even health issues.

Unfortunately, such health problems can have a great impact on sex endurance and intimacy that may gradually become worse with time.

Using the best Manscode will help significantly improve certain insufficiency you may have when it comes to sexual performance, developed with natural ingredients, Manscode accomplish optimum results when they are usually combined with a healthy lifestyle that will incorporates exercising and healthful eating. Maintaining a healthy way of life is crucial when trying to increase your sexual performance.

Manscode supplements that contain 100 % natural ingredients are recommended over particular other approaches such as prescription drugs, because they offer improvements plus fast results without small to any risk of potentially harmful side effects

Lots of men of all ages worldwide constantly experience decreased libido, low sexual intercourse drives, and performance problems. Using Manscode formulated along with natural ingredients greatly enhances sexual satisfaction for longer lasting erections, sexual climaxes, stamina, and overall enhancement in sexual performance.

Mansdoe made with natural ingredients are so advantageous that they are able to help restore relationships that have lost their own sexual intimacy and enthusiasm.
The use of Mascode that are engineered and that contain natural ingredients best alternative to more risky medicines that do not contain 100 % natural ingredients.

Manscode is a natural and safe health food with nutrient-packed values:
● Manscode contains maca which is very useful to increase energy, stamina, athletic performance, impotence relief, fertility enhancement, male menopause, erectile dysfunction, hormone balancing and increased testosterone level.
● Manscode is a natural and safe nutrition supplement to correct problems of sexual performance.
● Manscode also has been effective for both men and women, no side effects and is 100% safe and natural.
● Manscode working with the bodies natural rhythms to help rebuild week immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, and increase energy and endurance.

Information of Manscode
● No side effects
● 100% natural
● Safe & reliable
● For both male and female
● Highly effective
● Halal certification
● GMP approved
● No dependency effects
● Laboratory tested

1. Boosts Sexual Power
MANSCODE enhance libido , improve blood circulation , anti inflammatory , improve sperm count and quality , most important is to improve sexual function .

Herbal product which makes our sexual life fruitful , this is not a Medicine it is a food supplement which makes our reproductive system to be more active and it helps the important glands in our body to secrete the necessary hormones naturally .
MANSCODE relaxes muscles & increase blood flow to particular parts of the body to enhance sexual activities

Helps to achieve an erection when sexual stimulation occurs . An erection will not occur without sexual stimulation .
One sachet to be taken orally prior to anticipate sexual activity .

2. Unique Herbal Formula
MANSCODE USA Formulated .
Kandungan 100% ramuan bahan asli dan tiada kesan sampingan .
Sesuai untuk kencing manis , jantung , darah tinggi , prostat kerap kencing malam , kencing tak lawas , lemah tenaga batin .

Bersedia untuk bertahanan lebeh lama , seks yang lebeh menyeronokkan 

3. Antioxidnt Rich
-Khasiat ( Tongkat Ali Powder ) -meningkatan kekuatan tenaga batin .- memberi daya tahan lebeh lama ketika berjimak .- Baik untuk kencing manis .- Baik untuk Ghout .- Melegakan sakit urat .- Menghilangkan lenguh - lenguh dan sengal badan .- Melancarkan perjalanan darah .- Mencari kolon dan buah pinggang .- Melawaskan pembuangan air besar .Benefits of Butea Superba :-The following are some of the sexual problems that Butea Superba can cater to :-- Premature Ejaculation - Weak Erection - Impotence - Loss of sexual desire - Painful penetrationBenefits 

4. Find Balance
 Kandungan / Ingredients :-
Orange Powder , Oligo , Tongkat Ali Powder , Superba Powder , Ginseng Powder , Maca Extract Powder .
Serbuk Oren , Oligosakarida , Serbuk Tongkat Ali , Serbuk Superba , Serbuk Ginseng , Serbuk Maca Ekstrak .

Arahan / Direction :-
Campuran bersama segelas air sejuk , kacau dan minum dengan serta merta .
Mix the content with glass of plain water , stir and consume immediately , response will take place after 10 - 15 minutes .

5. Better Immunity
MANSCODE is a New Health Product specially for Men MANSCODE ialah produk kesihatan baru untuk lelaki .
Money Back Guarantee , sudah cuba tentu mau lagi .
100% Guarantee no Imitation(Tiruan ) in the market .
100% Original from Malaysia factory with USA Formulated for sexual enhancement & power boost .
Just 10 - 15 minutes after consuming , effectiveness will be in action as and when you required .

This is just my personnel opinion , as we know when our age reaching above 50 many parts of our body will deteriorate due to ageing process that includes our sexual organ . Other organs of our body when have problems we definitely look for doctors to get it cured but what about our sexual organ when it has weak erection problem ? It is not shameful to do something to remedy this common problem which every men will be facing when age catching up . It will be more shameful if we cannot perform as and when needs arises . ( That is why there are Viagra , Cialis & Levitra selling in the market ) .

6.100% Organic
Benefits of Butea Superba :-
The following are some of the sexual problems that Butea Superba can cater to :-
- Premature Ejaculation
- Weak Erection
- Impotence
- Loss of sexual desire
- Painful penetration

Benefits from Ginseng :-
- Beats stress
- Boost Immunity
- Enhances Memory
- Fight Ageing
- Increase Libido

Fungsi MACA :-
- Meningkat tahap kecergasan dan menengani masalah keletihan .
- Mengurang dan mengawal tekanan Jiwa .
- Memperbaiki dan meningkatkan tenaga batin .

Benefits of Maca Powder :-
- Improve general health , increase energy , digestion & libido & fertility .
- Balancing your Diet
- Contain Calcium , magnesium , Iron , Vitamin C ,B1,B2,B6
-Regulate your hormones production .
- Helps to improve sexual life & sperm count .
- Anti Ageing process

For many, TONGKAT Ali offers a natural way to restore – testosterone levels which offers benefits to energy enhancement, increased muscle mass, improved fast loss, and better feelings or higher spirits.
Herba Cynomorium Songaricum, which is also known as “Ginseng of The Desert”.
Cynomorium Songaricum grows in desert with unique geographic terrain and extreme climate, where the difference in temperature between day and night achieves more than 100′C (the highest is 82.3′C, the lowest is -20′C).
Cynomorium songaricum is rare and very precious among the Chinese traditional herbs, as recorded more than centuries ago in Compendium of Materia Medica: Cynomorium songaricum is therapeutic in sexual enhancement, nourishes bone and muscle, prevents dryness, moisturizes the intestine and relaxes bowels.
This herb is useful on individuals who suffer such symptoms like IMPOTENCE, weakness on muscle and bone, cold pain of the joints and knees, etc.

Price: RM180/box (12 sachets)

Call/whatsapp: 016-915 0218